Tuesday, July 27, 2010

When Do You Make The Big Bucks?

Since the official release date of my book on July 6, the number one question I have been asked is,
"When do you make the big bucks?"

In answer to that question, I was always taught that it wasn't polite to ask a person how much money they make.  Other questions I am continually asked to answer after a book-signing event are:
  1. Did you make a lot of money?
  2. How many books did you sell?
  3. Do you get paid to be a guest speaker?
  4. You have to pay for your own books?
  5. Since I've been your friend/family for "x" amount of years aren't you going to give me a book for free?
 I prayed over these questions all week long and decided to respond in a way that may step on a few toes but after all is said and done, I am just the messenger.

Money cannot buy loving relationships or peace of conscience.  It can support a Christian college, send a missionary to Africa and help fill a food pantry.

 It is not money that is "a root of all kinds of evil," but the love of money (1Timothy 6:10).  Jesus condemns money when it becomes an object of devotion equal to God (Matthew 6:24).

 God is the ultimate supplier of all wealth.  He enables us to have it and has a right to say what we do with the money.  The questions I would love to hear are:
  1. What is your book about?
  2. Was your story God inspired?
  3. What is your ministry?
  4. What is it like being an author?
  5. You can fill in the blank with your own question... _________________________?
When God asks you to step out in faith and gives you a passion, which in return creates an income, I promise not to ask you, "When do you make the big bucks?"

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What ever happened to Christmas in July?

It is believed that it actually started in Europe as a way to celebrate Christmas in the summer.  The untimely Christmas festival is also linked to a group of Irish tourists who vacationed in Sydney's Blue Mountains in the summer months of July 1980.  Being away from the summer heat in their own country they were overjoyed at the sight of snow.  It is said that the tourists convinced the proprietor of a local hotel in New South Wales to hold a party called
 "Yule fest".
On the other hand it is commonly said that retail merchants who wanted to benefit from a holiday in July, which is otherwise a dull season for business and has few marketing opportunities, dreamed up the occasion.
Then there are others who are reluctant to acknowledge the event in July.  They argue that this untimely celebration of Christmas makes a mockery of the birth of Jesus Christ.
My suggestion:
During this scorching month of the year, you might want to head on out to an air-conditioned mall and do some retail shopping.  Better yet, why not hike to your favorite mountain retreat, pop open a cold refreshing beverage of choice and have a chat with Jesus?
I don't think He will mind if you celebrate Christmas in July...


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Why The Brown Paper Bag?

Do you know that when you order a signed copy of my book, A Beggars Purse, you will receive an additional gift?  For those of you who have already received your copy, you are well aware of the gift.
That's right, it's a brown paper bag!  Here are some ideas for the use of the bag...

* Place your book in the bag and carry it with you wherever you go.  It's a great icebreaker.
* Pack a lunch in it and hand it to a homeless person.
* If you can't afford to pack a lunch, place a bottle of water and a food bar in the bag.
* How about some toiletries or even a clean pair of athletic socks?

I realize not all of you have a passion for the homeless population like I do and some of the above mentioned ideas may make you feel queasy or even weak in the knees.  I challenge you to just try it one time... let the paper bag do the talking for you.

* Place some canned goods in the bag and drop it off at your local food bank or the food pantry at your church.
* Use it as a visual reference as an act of gratitude.  Attach the bag to your bulletin board, refrigerator or the dashboard in your vehicle.  Be thankful my friends that you have a roof over your head and a satisfied stomach.

The majority of my friends know that whenever a homeless person approaches me and they ask me for food, I will not hesitate to find them a meal.  On the other hand, some of my friends have told me that "those street people" are using me.  I am embarrassed to say this quote has been conveyed to me numerous times by people in the church.
     My question to them is, "How is a person being used when in fact God gives us freedom of choice?  Am I being used by the so-called street people, or am I being used by God?"  I believe the Bible refers to the term as being a servant.  Page 87, excerpt from A Beggars Purse.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Today is the official Birthday for 
A Beggars Purse!
Join the Celebration at 
Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble.
