Carol has not only experienced financial survival during times of hardship but has written a book titled, IN THE TRENCHES to help others who are looking for ways to tighten their belts and tackle budgeting issues. I had the opportunity to spend some quality time with Carol last month at the Clark County Library in Las Vegas, NV. I asked her if she would be willing to be interviewed on my blog and offer her book as a giveaway? She gladly accepted my offer and also wanted to include a link to her book as a free download. Yes, you read the word correctly. FREE...
Just click on the title of this blog and it will take you directly to Carol's link. And now without further ado on to the interview.
1. What is the one thing you would like people to know about you?
Financial management has been my major area of study for most of my adult life and my primary source of information has been the Bible and trying to understand and apply the principles taught in Proverbs, and the Old and New Testaments, especially as it relates to the last days. There are two paths in all things - God's ways that lead to blessing and the world's way which leads to bondage and reliance on the world system which is on an ultimate crash course.
The current events of the American economy are not a surprise or mystery, they are the consequence of the actions that led to the events including debt financed living, reliance on a system to provide the very basics of our lives such as food, clothing, and shelter. Imagine a grocery store emptied in one day not to be replenished. How would you and your family survive? Imagine your job or government funding being cut off without notice. Would you be prepared? Many in the past few years have found they are not.
The recent dip in the economy is just the first wave. Though we may recover to some degree the next wave is on the horizon already and will probably occur in the next five to ten years brought on by government debt, inflation, and the baby boomers reaching the age where they are expecting to receive from social security. In the meantime foreign nations are buying up our lands, businesses, and becoming our debt collectors.
2. How would you describe your book, In The Trenches to readers?
In The Trenches was our families personal story of financial crisis in the 80's and the things we learned and experienced through the process. Formerly having worked in the banking industry I was well aware of how to review a situation by looking at spread sheets and numbers and used these methods to develop the simple, basic tools provided in the book. A free online copy of the book and the accompanying worksheets are now available on the related blog. Also included are many additional topics and background information from how to begin a food storage plan to the soapbox section that contains rants about the financial industry and their role in seducing people into a position of dependence.
3. What has been your biggest obstacle in life?
Feelings of aloneness, having chosen a position on many subjects that is not yet commonly acknowledged is not what people want to hear about.
4. What are you currently reading?
I am currently in what I call a Bible Immersion period where I read and study the Bible 15-20 hours a week and have read through the Epistles, Acts, Revelation, Job, and Joshua among others. I am also reading a novel titled Full Faith & Credit by James R. Cook and have been reading about the fascinating life of Queen Elizabeth. is a great site for sharing what you are reading with friends.
5. How can readers contact you or purchase your book?
Click here to get more information about In The Trenches or for a link to Amazon for the paperback copy. If you find the information to be helpful please help spread the work by forwarding the link to everyone in your address book.
~Thanks for this interview Toni, a very interesting subject!